Our soundproofed garden rooms are ideal for musicians, producers, mixing engineers, DJs, bands and composers who would like a space to work or rehearse. They are purpose built to provide high levels of soundproofing and acoustic performance.


Taking your home music studio away from the house and into the garden opens up a whole new level of freedom, particularly to musicians who are conscious about being loud in the house and upsetting the family or neighbours. Having a dedicated space for your music means less worrying and more time to concentrate your energy perfecting your craft or nailing that final mix.

Our soundproofed music studios come in a range of different models and specifications to suit your needs. For instance, if you are a professional drummer or mix engineer, then we would recommend the Sonic Box Pro or Sonic Box Production Suite model. For the best soundproofing performance, we would recommend that this is installed with our concrete base option and with no windows. Alternatively, if you are a guitarist, pianist, woodwind player, or perhaps a more occasional player, then the Sonic Box Lite may be the better option for you. This is installed on a quick to build, screw pile base with a specialist acoustic floor build up. For more specialist requirements, we offer the Sonic Box Bespoke service.


All of our Sonic Box Studios are designed and built by us, ensuring you get the best quality service from start to finish.

Once your Sonic Box Studio is constructed, we recommend that all of our music studios are installed with the appropriate acoustic treatment. Acoustic treatments include items such as foam wall and ceiling tiles, diffuser panels, bass traps, isolation pads and heavy curtains. Applying the correct acoustic treatments to your room will ensure that your music can be heard correctly, without sound reflections or vibrations effecting the quality.


Here is a breakdown of the attenuation values of each of the Sonic Box model build ups and components. These can be tailored to suit your specific soundproofing needs as required.


Below we have provided the typical volume of everyday sounds, instruments and studio uses in order to help you decide which type of studio best fits your requirements.

Typical volumes of everyday sounds:

  • 10 dB – Breathing, rustling leaves (very quiet)

  • 20 dB – Whispering, ticking watch

  • 30 dB – Quiet library, soft whisper

  • 40 dB – Refrigerator hum, quiet office

  • 50 dB – Moderate rainfall, normal conversation at home

  • 60 dB – Normal conversation, background music

  • 70 dB – Vacuum cleaner, busy street

  • 80 dB – Alarm clock, hairdryer, city traffic (loud)

  • 90 dB – Lawnmower, power tools (very loud, prolonged exposure can cause damage)

  • 100 dB – Motorcycle, jackhammer, nightclub

  • 110 dB – Chainsaw, live rock concert

  • 120 dB – Thunderclap, ambulance siren (pain threshold begins)

  • 130 dB – Jet engine at takeoff, fireworks (extremely loud, risk of hearing damage)

  • 140+ dB – Gunshot, rocket launch (can cause immediate hearing damage)

Typical volume of instrument & studio uses:

  • 20–30 dB – Harp (soft plucking), acoustic guitar (very soft playing)

  • 40–50 dB – Violin (soft), flute (soft), piano (soft playing)

  • 60 dB – Normal piano playing, acoustic guitar (normal strumming), clarinet (soft)

  • 70 dB – Violin (normal), cello (normal), trumpet (soft), saxophone (soft), mixing/monitoring (normal)

  • 80 dB – Flute (loud), trumpet (normal), trombone (soft), electric guitar (moderate amp volume), mixing/monitoring (loudly)

  • 90 dB – Violin (loud), piano (forte), saxophone (normal), trombone (normal), drum kit (soft playing)

  • 100 dB – Trumpet (loud), trombone (loud), drum kit (normal playing), electric guitar (loud amp)

  • 110 dB – Full symphony orchestra (fortissimo), drum kit (heavy playing), electric guitar (very loud amp)

  • 120 dB+ – Rock concert (amplified instruments), pipe organ (full power), trumpet (extreme fortissimo), drum kit (hard-hitting drummer)


We have tested the performance of our studios both in real life and using acoustic simulation software. This ensures that we can provide you with a Sonic Box that meets the requirements of your project.

This video shows the Sonic Box Pro specification with a concrete base.