Ever dreamed of having your own cinema? With the current trend of people watching more and more films at home via downloads and streaming services, a cinema room at the end of your garden is great way of maximising the viewing experience without having to get in the car.

With a Sonic Box Studio you can create the ideal environment for a cinema room without having to worry about it being to loud for your neighbours. You can have a dedicated space for your projector, screen, surround sound system and maybe even a pop corn machine. Somewhere to escape to with (or without) the family on a Sunday afternoon and watch your favourite flicks or the big game.

For a cinema room, we would recommend either going for the Sonic Box Lite or Sonic Box Leisure models. Our Sonic Box Lite model provides high quality soundproofing performance that is perhaps better suited to those whose priority is creating a dedicated, cinema room, or those who are combining it with a home music studio. If it is going to be more of a multi-use space (perhaps also a home office or gym), then the Sonic Box Leisure may be more suitable. It offers improved soundproofing properties over a conventional timber framed garden room, with bifold or sliding doors for a better connection to the garden.

Depending on the exact use of your space, you may wish to install appropriate acoustic treatment to the studio. Acoustic treatments include items such as foam wall and ceiling tiles, diffuser panels, bass traps, isolation pads and heavy curtains. Applying the correct acoustic treatments to your room will ensure that your music can be heard correctly, without sound reflections or vibrations effecting the quality.  Heavy curtains will of course also prevent light from entering the room to provide a better cinema experience.  

garden cinema room soundproof